Welcome to

Quiero Verte Tango Festival 2023

The festival is organised by the Fundacja Tango Milonga, a not-for-profit non-governmental organisation. The registration is your ticket to the Quiero Verte festival, and enables you to attend the events for which you register hereby. Registration and providing your personal details is obligatory for insurance purposes. Your registration is valid only if you present a valid photo ID document upon arrival, so please don't forget to bring your ID card!

Make sure you read Terms & Conditions, as submitting this form as well as paying means you will comply with the same.

ALL DETAILS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE QUIERO VERTE WEBSITE: https://www.quieroverte.com.pl/enl.

First, select your role

Your workshop choices will depend on the availability for your selected role

Personal information

We need this data to proceed with Registration and for Insurance purposes

Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your birth date
*We need it for insurance purposes
Please select a valid country.
Optionally, connect with us on Facebook.
Valid first name is required.
Valid last name is required.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your birth date
*We need it for insurance purposes
Please select a valid country.
Optionally, connect with us on Facebook.


Packages mean a discount
For individual milongas, skip to the milonga section after workshops.
We strongly believe in the need for continuous improvement and we prepared very sweet deals for those who love to learn. Make the most of the festival and book workshops with our world's best Maestros' knowledge at a fraction of a price!
Remember to choose as many workshops as are included in the Pass you have chosen. If you choose more than included in your Pass, the system will calculate the price of a single workshop on top of your Pass.
For more info check HERE.


Here's our ambitious workshop schedule. Don't miss the opportunity to learn from the best!
For more info about workshops click HERE.
Depending on your role selection, some workshops might be unavailable.


Prefer to attend single milongas? If there is space and capacity, we would love to welcome you. Choose which milongas you'd like to attend.
(Only available after 17 June)


Here's a list of our special events!

Payment method

Transaction fee = 2% + 0.25 EUR
No transaction fee
Transaction fee = 2.9% + 0.35 EUR

Your comments

Please let us know if you have any comments or questions.


Here's a summary of what you have selected:

Terms and Conditions


Photo consent

Click here to confirm your registratio


Thank you for your registration! We are looking forward to meeting you in September. You should receive an automatic email within a few minutes (please also check your spam folder). Otherwise, contact us by at hola@quieroverte.com.pl.

Here are our bank transfer details:

Account holder: Fundacja Tango Milonga
Account number: PL66 1140 2004 0000 3112 1342 8968